
Study with RBIT to Get the Right Skills and Succeed!

11134NAT Graduate Diploma of Sinology Studies

Sinology Domestic International

Visit the Department of Sinology Studies website for more details.
如需咨詢更多相關課程,請關注: 漢學系官網

Accredited Course Name
Graduate Diploma of Sinology Studies 漢學研究生文憑(八級)
VET National Code
CRICOS Course Code
Course Duration
105 Weeks in Total (92 Study Weeks +13 Break Weeks)

In this fully accredited course, students will learn how to implement analytical skills to interpret the message of the following Sinology and limited Buddhist texts and apply them to contemporary society:

1. The Collected Works of Zhou Anshi《安士全書》

2. The Governing Principles of Ancient China《群書治要》

3. The Records of the Grand Historian《史記》

4. Zhuangzi《莊子》

5. The Tao Te Ching 《道德經》

6. The Vows and Practices of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva《普賢菩薩行願品》

Entry Requirements

1. Preferably a Bachelor Degree or at least a Year 12 Certificate in Australia (Senior High School Certificate) or an overseas equivalent qualification recognized by an accrediting authority, and provide a notarized (English translated) copy.

2. Hold the Testamur and Records of Results of 10958NAT Certificate IV in Sinology Studies and 11126NAT Advanced Diploma of Sinology Studies, or attend an online workshop and pass the academic and virtue assessments given by the Department of Sinology Studies.

3. Be able to recite by memory《論語》,《大學》,《中庸》,《老子道德經》,《莊子內篇》,《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》and《金剛經》in Mandarin.

4. Recommend completing the English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS)*.

5. Attend an online workshop and pass the academic and virtue assessments given by the Department of Sinology Studies.

*Although the course is mainly taught in Mandarin, students need strong English skills, especially for the Sinology/Buddhist Studies-related English unit NAT11128005 Develop and apply complex English skills for Buddhist Studies. Applicants from an English-speaking background and/or with sufficient English skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are exempt from ELICOS.

Mode of Delivery
1. Face-to-face, on-campus delivery.

2. 20 hours per week consisting of lectures, supervised tutorials and projects, and online training / video / blended learning.

3. International students must undertake full-time face-to-face study ONLY.
Fee Information*(Estimated)
International Student Tuition Fee AUD$42,000
*Non-tuition Fee
Holistic Learning Experience

Acquire both Knowledge and Teaching Experience (Total 8 Units) 

(Fundamentals and Techniques)

NAT11126009 Develop and apply advanced traditional Chinese music skills 中國古典音樂技能的培養與應用
NAT11128003 Implement concepts of the Vows and Practices of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva《普賢菩薩行願品》的教義與應用
NAT11128005 Develop and apply complex English skills for Buddhist Studies 佛教英語(高級)
NAT11134001 Implement concepts of the Collected Works of Zhou Anshi《安士全書》中的智慧與應用 
NAT11134002 Implement concepts of the Governing Principles of Ancient China《群書治要》中的智慧與應用
NAT11134003 Implement concepts of selected readings from The Records of the Grand Historian《史記》中的智慧與應用
NAT11134004 Implement concepts of selected readings from Zhuangzi《莊子》中的智慧與應用   
NAT11134005 Implement concepts of selected readings from the Tao Te Ching《道德經》中的智慧與應用

Study Pathways
11128NAT Graduate Diploma of Buddhist Studies佛學研究生文憑(八級)

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